Saturday, March 22, 2014

More connections with friends!

Gabi and Dan invited us to join them for a family celebration of St. Patrick's Day (after all, Sheehan is certainly an Irish name) on Saturday, March 15.  We drove up to Palm Bay in early afternoon and got to spend some time with Gabi and Dan before what they termed as the "invasion" occurred.  Three of their four children arrived during the course of the afternoon, along with 5-6 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren!  After being introduced to everyone, we went out to the back yard to watch the kids use the zip line that Dan built for them.  It looked so enticing that I asked Gabi if she had ever done it.  She said only once, a long time ago.  So I suggested that if she would do it, so would I.  It was great, except for the tree that you rapidly approach at the end!  Gabi served a corned beef and cabbage dinner that was absolutely fantastic.  How she stayed so calm and got it all prepared ahead of time was amazing--there must have been 15 of us at dinner.

While we were at Gabi's house, Jeff Parsons left a message inviting us to dinner, also for St. Patrick's Day, but since we were also going to the VBPS dinner the next day, we opted for later in the week.  So, on Wednesday, we set out for Melbourne once again.  The Parsons live just off of Route 1, a little north of the airport. 

The Parson's home, on Water Street, Melbourne
It was so good to see them again, and catch up on news, etc.  over cocktails.  (Jeff made me a Dark and Stormy!)  Patti and Jeff had just returned from a 3 month trip to England, Hong Kong, and New Zealand, where they had rented a camper and traveled all over.  They also went with Emily, Charles and their respective significant others to visit Hanoi!!  Emily's baby is due in April and Charles and Allie are engaged.
Cocktails before dinner

  Dinner was delicious--grilled chicken and vegetables, sweet potatoes and salad.  And Patti made a wonderful Toffee Date cake for dessert, with an English custard poured on top!  Wow!  We had such a good time that all of a sudden it was 10:30 p.m. and more than time to take our leave.  Hopefully we'll see them again, or at least next year!

We had a great evening!
Finally, yesterday, Bob and Carolyn Long came to Vero Beach for a brief visit.  Tom Barrett made a reservation for dinner for us at the Lobster Shanty, at Royal Palm Pointe.  We met them there after the Friday night reception at Coral Stone.  Ginny Devaney and her husband, Steve, were staying with Tom and Pat, and John Garrett (he and Peggy now live in Vero Beach during the winter months and in Old Lyme in the summer) also dropped by for a drink.

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